【 Expert Partners Marketing | Case Study】

[Case Study] Media Kobo, Inc. Implements “Expert Partners Marketing” by TWOSTONE&Sons Group as Web Marketing Support Partner

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”【導入事例】メディア工房、Webマーケティング支援先としてTWOSTONE&Sonsグループの「Expert Partners Marketing」を導入”のアイキャッチ画像です。

【 Summary 】

TWOSTONE&Sons Inc. has announced the implementation of “Expert Partners Marketing,” a service provided by the TWOSTONE&Sons group, as a web marketing support partner for Media Kobo, Inc.

This service matches freelance marketers with companies, allowing Media Kobo to utilize highly skilled personnel to improve operational efficiency and enhance internal know-how. Detailed case studies and interview articles are available for further information.

Detail of the article:https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000228.000015060.html

Service provider : TWOSTONE&Sons Inc.
Service user : Media Kobo, Inc.

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